I was swimming in a pool and a bluejay was also swimming, really enjoying itself, diving underwater and coming back up. Blue jay then was injured somehow and i had to bring him to a doctor for help. The town I was in only had one doctor and no veterinarian. I picked up the blue jay and brought him to the doctor to try to get help. Blue jay eventually came back to life on its own and turned into a light haired younger man.
Swimming in a dream symbolizes navigating through emotions and deep feelings. The blue jay represents communication, intelligence, and resourcefulness. Seeing the blue jay injured may signify a fear of losing one's ability to communicate effectively or feeling limited in expressing oneself. Bringing the blue jay to a doctor in a town with only one doctor reflects seeking assistance and a desire for guidance during challenging times.
The transformation of the blue jay into a light-haired younger man could suggest a rebirth or renewal of self-expression and communication skills. It may symbolize a transformation or evolution in the way you communicate or perceive others. Overall, this dream could be interpreted as a sign that you are overcoming obstacles and finding new ways to express yourself and connect with others, leading to personal growth and transformation.